
“I am a supporter of blacks. White civilization; their cultural values, false, dehumanizing model of the world, built by them — did not pay off. Everything goes to the beginning of the anti-white pogroms on a planetary scale. Russia saved only by the fact that we are not pure white…So I am for reds, yellows, greens, blacks — but not for whites. I wholeheartedly am on the side of the people of Zimbabwe.”

With the failure of Fascism and Communism to provide an alternative, Centrist Liberalism now dominates the world. Dugin’s response is not actually a revival of fascism, but instead, a Fourth Political Theory that is designed to adequately challenge the terrain of liberal domination in our modern world. This points to the need for a break with traditional worker-centric Marxism called for by communization theorists, whose visions of communization have nothing in common with the USSR’s brand of Communism Dugin is intimately familiar with.

While Dugin is certainly one who holds reactionary views, they are more based in a tradition of patriarchal peasant communalism that he sees as the basis of Eurasian civilization. Yet was it not Karl Marx who prophesied the Russian peasant commune as a basis for transition to Communism? When we look deeper, we find that even the most reactionary thinkers carry important truth.

Perhaps Dugin is correct in his assessment, and indeed a new political theory is in the making. Communism (which in the 20th century was merely just a modernization process to destroy pre-capitalist communities and throw them into the inferno of the factory) today is merely a meme, a community that only reproduces itself through the dead-end Trotskyist sects of the past. The only Communists worth learning from have rightfully distanced themselves from 20th century Communism, but they are Communists in name only. On the other hand fascism was simply a reactive movement, an ideology fueled purely by counter-revolutionary aims that only created its opposite, anti-fascism, which would serve as a unifying ideology between the bourgeois and the workers movement. On the other hand, there is no doubt that Centrist Liberalism is not in a crisis — the system to which we were told “there is no alternative” now seems untenable. Yet there is no real ideology that seems to challenge it sufficiently, the weakness of left and right populism to provide a real alternative being clear. A “Fourth Political Theory” can only come from the organic struggles of oppressed peoples, these struggles are not to be found in hollow dead end political projects such political party but rather in the streets. Everything from the rioting of blacks against police brutally in occupied turtle island to French yellow vest movement is an expression of a “Fourth political Theory” in the making.


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