
Semi constitutional , to become a constitutional monarchy like the UK, elements similar to modern day China's governance , like the modern Democrat party (or something like this and or this). It would be good only if it succeeds in getting set up 

The monarch would have the spirit and thinking that is needed for a monarchy competing with other key  countries like France and powerful military alliances like NATO . Like a combo of Pedro Castillo and William the Conquerer . He'er would have a real base of support and the approval of the pope or any other high religious figure. It would be similar to the First Nations in Canada setup pre European settlement

Democracy wasn't born by peaceful vote of majority either, but by a swift removal of foreign system and it's supporters - why should people in this system this type of monarchism replaces obey the system that was built up with the idea of stopping us as it's priority. 

If nobody supports him/her, he'er would be overthrown. 

It would only come about against despotic regimes not democracies. It would keep the current EU Democratic system and this Monarch would come from that (keep in mind many democratic countries' constitution was forced upon the people without their consent or will by their conquerors.).  It would be a stable and recognized state otherwise NATO would stop it and make it a democracy again

It would come about if at least half of the country are dissatisfied with the way things are

This government would not have any bigoted or conspiracy fuelled people in it

It would strike a blow against the monied interests that are against such governance. 

This governance would be the opposite of the US's right-wing wacko conspiracy theorism, I

It would be non authoritarian but monarchist . But this good monarch will put his'er foot up your but when you need it,

The government would be civil to prevent radical elements from taking over. The head of this society would represent the majority of the common people, similar to the Bolsheviks.

This system would be centrist and closest to Tridemism 

We do not ACTUALLY know what would come of this

This monarch would have to decide 'who are they really?" And maybe more so "who will likely gain from this?"

With morality too, the plans would be conditionally good, and moral 

The"Revolution" with the populist leaders would need to keep it on a reasonable level.

In long distance intellectual "support", we would really have to wait and see what shook out. And how it was better or worse than the current state.

The real problem is the current state is sketch, but a revolutionary state can be sketch just the same.

The modern day notion of hyper support outside of a meme for complicated factions,certainly far away, is intellectually dishonest. From the Middle East to Russia-Ukraine, there are few heroes and villains and far more "complex messes of confusion" in reality.

Full on Jacobitz, Left Strasserists, Crypto fascists, Authoritarian Commies, and ISIS are pretty easily to 2D into villain status, but most others are far more nuanced in reality

It would have Hohenzollern, Hapsburg, Wettin or Wittelsbsch Kaiser. restoration elements to the throne. It also would be a Fourth Political theory (4pt) version of contradictionary anti radicalism 


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