Fem All Around


I support a feminist ideology which to women is what Afro Pessimism is to blacks. 

If the "anti-blackness" the article described served or will serve as a template, it'll be some kind of reality where every individual discrimination becomes supreme for that group only (in this case women instead of blacks) 

Maybe something like this here, .  This can be an early draft of such a feminist ideology

I am a Devon Cole type of feminist and all my feminism views at heart match her views on feminism too.

I am inspired in my feminism by her feminism which speaks to the soul of women and makes all of us women or men who hear her songs want to run through walls to abolish patriarchy faster than the speed of light instantly

She is an awesome singer, and super talented. Unlike Taylor Swift, Britney Spears, Kim Petras, Devon Cole is someone young girls should look up to as her feminism, talent and bright light and love can reach young girls with her impactful form of feminism as unique medium to do so

Me covering Devon Cole's song W.I.T.C.H (Woman in Total Control of Herself)


Unlike most of my covers, this cover by me is me echoing this songs message. I am a Devon Cole feminism and I want to spread the message of this song to empower women and to help destroy patriarchy.

May this song lift up and empower women world wide, this song is my solidarity with the struggle of feminism. I love how empowering that song is and how it gives us a taste of a post patriarchal world where women are literally on equal footing with men, and no longer the tails on the two sided coin

W.I.T.C.H is an awesome song since it promotes bodily autonomy and self determination for women. 

I love Devon Cole's song Nobody's Baby. It is great because it destroys offensive stereotypical gender roles of women being a bridal slave to men

I echo the praise of Devon Cole and her feminism


 https://www.reddit.com/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy/comments/w679gb/witch_from_devon_cole/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/wofo0r/new_wlw_music_devon_cole_witch/



I love Devon Cole's song No Blurred Lines . Me covering Devon Cole's song No Blurred Lines (which is a rewritten pro woman version of Robin Thicke's (ft TI and Pharrell Williams) song Blurred Lines)

Unlike most of my cover songs, I am singing this song to make men respect and to honor women's decision not to have you know what if they do not consent to doing you know what.

I am echoing this song's message of consent so men hearing it will always get consent before having you know what.

Sexual abuse, rape etc against women is worldwide crisis and I am covering this song in hopes it can end this crisis of abuse against women by giving advice to men on what not to do with women so women are no longer abused by men against their will

I am glad Devon did this song and women can use this song as empowerment to turn the tables on the guys who wrongly sexually abuse them . This luckily puts men on the defense in dating for once. 

This is one slight step to abolishing patriarchy (I am singing this song from the perspective of the woman)


Here is my feminism views from my heart which my other feminism views spring from:

 CentristFem.png Syncretic Feminist

Fusion Feminism.png Unity Feminist 

File:Fusion Feminism.pngInsync Feminist

Synthesis Feminist 

Sixth-Seventh wave Feminist

I support this feminist author's brand of feminism 

If Liberal women want non conservative masculine men (as noted here and hereish too) then maybe liberal men should get tougher and adopt J Lennonism type of ideology (in particular masculism and his brand of feminism) or this type of masculinity 

Or maybe liberal women really want masculine conservative men since they are too ashamed to admit they turn liberal women on by their bad boy, tough guy charm /s

I am trying to end rape and sexual assault against women to create a world literally without rape and sexual assault

Factoring in unreported rapes, only about 6% of rapists ever serve a day in jail. If a rape is reported, there is a 50.8% chance of an arrest. If an arrest is made, there is an 80% chance of prosecution. If there is a prosecution, there is a 58% chance of conviction.

My goal is to create a system to make it easy for women who are raped to report their rape with dignity and in a way where they don't relive the trauma by going through with a trial against their rapist. 

I also want to draw more attention to the women on men rape issue and to use an alternative retribution system (just for women on men rape) instead of normal prison methods in exchange for higher conviction rates of women rapists who are guilty of said rape


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