Anthony Giddeons ideal Third Way /TBD includes these ideologies below: Upayas (diplomacy) , with Ideology 1: Hello everyone. I guess I'd share some thoughts with you regarding the current state of, well, not only "Brahminical Patriarchy", but also of Liberalism and Socialism, what they were, are, and should be. Today, the term "Brahminical Patriarchy" is used to hint a falsehood which stems from a truth: The falsehood that Sanatan Dharma (I use Sanatan Dharma here specifically, because some unscrupulous individuals see value in not only dividing Dharma as a whole, but The Sects as well) is an inherently misogynistic, racist, and LGBTphobic society and religion where "Aryan" "Brahmin" cishetmen use and abuse "Dravid", "Dalit", etc, women for their own gain, and dare god you don't actually be a member of the LGBT community, lest The Christian Church Islam "Hindu Society" disown you. However, this falsehood is... “I am a supporter of blacks. White civilization; their cultural values, false, dehumanizing model of the world, built by them — did not pay off. Everything goes to the beginning of the anti-white pogroms on a planetary scale. Russia saved only by the fact that we are not pure white…So I am for reds, yellows, greens, blacks — but not for whites. I wholeheartedly am on the side of the people of Zimbabwe.” With the failure of Fascism and Communism to provide an alternative, Centrist Liberalism now dominates the world. Dugin’s response is not actually a revival of fascism, but instead, a Fourth Political Theory that is designed to adequately challenge the terrain of liberal domination in our modern world. This points to the need for a break with traditional worker-centric Marxism called for by communization theorists, whose visions of comm...
Fictional politics The Tertium Quid Wing of the Prohibition Party is a combination of: Regeneration/Rotativism , Celine's Laws Gandhian economics (centering around the values of trusteeship, human dignity and equality, has been viewed as an alternative to left-wing and right-wing economic models) This is like in the early to mid late 20th century US where the Republican party and a conservative and left wing and the Democrat Party had a liberal and conservative wing
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