Poll 5th clfdlp flp

 Anthony Giddeons ideal Third Way/TBD includes these ideologies below:

Upayas (diplomacy), with

Ideology 1: Hello everyone.

I guess I'd share some thoughts with you regarding the current state of, well, not only "Brahminical Patriarchy", but also of Liberalism and Socialism, what they were, are, and should be.

Today, the term "Brahminical Patriarchy" is used to hint a falsehood which stems from a truth: The falsehood that Sanatan Dharma (I use Sanatan Dharma here specifically, because some unscrupulous individuals see value in not only dividing Dharma as a whole, but The Sects as well) is an inherently misogynistic, racist, and LGBTphobic society and religion where "Aryan" "Brahmin" cishetmen use and abuse "Dravid", "Dalit", etc, women for their own gain, and dare god you don't actually be a member of the LGBT community, lest The Christian Church Islam "Hindu Society" disown you.

However, this falsehood is propagated from a truth: The average modern Hindu is so fucking adharmic and mindless to believe the lies that the Islamic conquerors and the colonialists spread that many Hindus today (ironically many who vote INC as well, because guess who propagated these lies for so long?) actually act like this. They really view their own daughters, wives, etc, as nothing more than property, all because "muh colonial overlord taught me this is how my own fucking religion works" and then make the lives of women/etc a nightmare. These women/etc are then drawn in by additional lies instead of thinking for themselves for once about what this world really is, and end up in things like Islam, Communism, etc, only to find themselves in an equally (if often not worse) system where they are oppressed once more, and seen as nothing more than a commodity to be bought and sold. Of course, this is much less today than before, thanks in great part to the work of Sanatanis who endlessly fight for The Truth on Sanatan Dharma and Dharmic Life to be known by all.

Hence, I believe that we should (whether we can is a different issue, this is that we should) really take over this whole "Smash Brahminical Patriarchy" thing, by simply telling The Truth and fighting honestly: We should tell The People of the reality of Sanatan Dharma against these colonial and islamic-invader lies. We should fight for a truly Dharmic society instead of this "Aryan Invasion" drivel, a Sanatarajya which enforces real Dharma, not sexism, racism, etc. We should tell The People who Adharmic sexism, LGBTphobia, racism, etc, really is, and fight for a society where The Honor of Every Moral Person is respected. Why let congressis responsible for this mess try to "lift us" into a bigger mess? Why let them give us a problem and it's antidote, a worse problem? Why not fight for Morality instead?

#SmashBrahminicalPatriarchy is rightfully ours, not the ones (Ayyubis, Colonials, Congressis, Jihadis, etc), who have created this problem and fight for its' existence.

Now, on "Liberalism", "Socialism", etc.

The meaning of these terms has been perverted from that of a Free/Liberal search into the Philosophical and Dharmic Realities (think Kant, Voltaire, etc) into an "equally awful" "alternative" to conservatism. Therefore, modern society is always forced to choose between two equally awful poisons. One is left to choose between khalistani jihadis forcing trans healthcare into your children without your consent, or WHITE SHARIA NOW!

Therefore, if society is at all to advance, we need to think back to Liberalism/Progressive Thought as Moral Advancement, and Conservatism as Moral Regression. Therefore, we need to iron out the Liberal/Morally Advanced solutions for our society.

This involves a proper knowledge of Dharma, not as Hindu Orthodoxy, but what Religion and Theology really is. Religion is self-improvement, where Theology is the most important branch of. Theology not only dictates what is important/divine, but how it exists, why it exists, how to revere it, etc. Truth-Henotheism is the correct Theology, and this makes sense: The Truth (Shiva) defines everything else. The Truth (Shiva) is also important because it contains Morality (Vishnu), as well as how to reach and create (both as-is and our own understanding of) The Truth and Morality (Brahma). From there, one can understand how importances divide among various things, from The Field of Medicine to, well, one's own family, and how they express themselves, how to revere them, etc. One can also conclude that therefore The Higher Theos exist on account that, well, we are fundamentally made of things like Biology, The Truth, Desire, etc, and that therefore it makes sense that these things would not only take one physical form, but many, and many forms we cannot possibly understand.

In the start of human civilization, nearly all Religion was Truth-Henotheistic, from Sanatan Dharma to Mesopotamian Faith to Shinto to First Nations faith of Turtle Island. However, Abrahamic Jihadis, year by year, took that away from us. Therefore, if we are to be True Liberal or Socialist Society, this cannot be done with restoring Dharma. I'm not forcing anyone to believe or worship anything they don't want to, but this is The Truth we must understand.

Therefore, (This is only my own idea, feel free to correct me on this/anything else ofc), for the Christians and Muslims reading this: Either abandon or change your books (Nevilist/Nonliteral understandings are fine as well) and adopt Truth Henotheism, lest you risk leaving a true immoral mark on society. I cordially welcome The Christians, Muslims, etc, willing to make changes to their faiths as my brothers and sisters, but I'm not so blindly trusting either.

I don't know how to conclude this, other than Har Har Mahadev, Slava Dazhbog, and Vande Mataram.

And ideology 2:

So I've been reading through *Leviathan and It's Enemies* the Arch-Paleocon Sam T. Francis's posthumously published magnum opus these past few months (it's close to 700 extremely dense pages-now you know where I've been lol). It's... really good. I know he was a racist bigot who died so full of resentment his heart exploded. But I can't help but admire this work in particular-I mean it is *the* tome of machiavellian right-wing theory, historical analysis, and cultural criticism. On the right, it presents the *only* alternative to "conservatism". 

I mean this is it, all that exists that's worth even considering. If you are want something based not in Tocqueville or Burke or Strauss, you are simply not gonna find anything else on the right. As far as the book goes, it is mostly fairly technical uses of Burnham, Pareto, and Gramsci applied to criticism of American society, not any sort of racist biopolitical diatribe. 

I know to tread carefully here, for the low horizons of mere power can be a trap for thinking, but this is the most coherent, most interesting, piece of work from that school of thought, perhaps ever, certainly on the identifiable "right-wing". I wholly reject his apathy for the constitution, natural right, and so on. But his point seems to be that these things are already gone, and all that is left are the discontents of the managerial regime who still carry a bit of the old bourgeois America in their hearts (who he calls "Middle American Radicals" or the "post-bourgeois"), and the managers who are intent on destroying, assimilating, controlling, and leveling all of American society and culture. 

His rejection of the relevance of founding principles is a value neutral judgement of the world as it has become, which he sees as a usurped regime that will either be taken back by the "post-bourgeoise" or destroyed by their rulers. This is the work of a true heretic, and a brilliant one at that. It easily beats Lind's "new class war", which almost seems like a bootleg version of this work, purged of some of the warts and unseemly implications. I cannot recommend this book enough.


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