Left 3w

The Left Third Way is a center left/New Deal political position that attempts to reconcile radical center to center leftism and ultra left politics by advocating a varying synthesis of Liberal Conservative populism economic policies with left center (moderate left)/Alt Left social policies 

The Left Third Way Way has been promoted by socially progressive/liberal socialist and Democratic Socialist/Social Democrat (Podemos variant) political parties

The Left Third Way rejects the state communist/post state socialist conception of communism/socialism and instead accepts the conception of non Marxist socialism that views Democratic Socialist/Social Democrat (Podemos variant)  governments as having achieved a viable ethical socialism by removing the unjust elements of Democratic capitalism-Paternalistic conservativism/Progressive Neoliberalism by providing shared burdens/social commons and other policies and that contemporary socialism has outgrown the claim for the need of the abolition of Democratic capitalism-Paternalistic conservativism/Progressive Neoliberalism as a mode of production

The Left Third Way is civilly Peronist/Lulist and culturally syncretic-dealigned 

The Left Third Way combines economic progressiveness-economic fourth political theory-4pt/ Bourgeois Socialism-Post Keynsianism with socially progressive/liberal socialist and Democratic Socialist/Social Democrat (Podemos variant) policies, synthesizing positions from both

The Left Third Way is the culturally radical/uber progressive response to the successes and popularity of co-op based reforms/camouflaged command economy reforms of recent times, embracing said measures while making the system have more shared ownership/Postmortem Opportunity-Inclusive fusionism  and humanest/ super humane. 

As a result the Left Third Way can be seen as a variety of Left Libertarian/Market-oriented left libertarianism/Left Wing Free market anarchist-Tuckerite society fused with Left Socialism fused with Super Democrat Capitalism


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