Poll 5th clfdlp flp
Anthony Giddeons ideal Third Way /TBD includes these ideologies below: Upayas (diplomacy) , with Ideology 1: Hello everyone. I guess I'd share some thoughts with you regarding the current state of, well, not only "Brahminical Patriarchy", but also of Liberalism and Socialism, what they were, are, and should be. Today, the term "Brahminical Patriarchy" is used to hint a falsehood which stems from a truth: The falsehood that Sanatan Dharma (I use Sanatan Dharma here specifically, because some unscrupulous individuals see value in not only dividing Dharma as a whole, but The Sects as well) is an inherently misogynistic, racist, and LGBTphobic society and religion where "Aryan" "Brahmin" cishetmen use and abuse "Dravid", "Dalit", etc, women for their own gain, and dare god you don't actually be a member of the LGBT community, lest The Christian Church Islam "Hindu Society" disown you. However, this falsehood is...
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