more tid bits

I really don't have any firm fiscal views

I support avoiding food dyes and additives

In summer of 2005, after God cured me of my worrying about reliving my life over again after I die infinite times, I became against artificial flavors and coloring after reading Fast Food Nation. Not only against but knowing that foods, candies, milkshakes, juices etc I loved for decades were filled with these chemicals with names that were word salads made me realize a part of my past (foods and candies) was fake since I thought the stuff I ate was real and authentic not chemical stew

I thought when I drank a strawberry milkshake from McDonald's it was real strawberries, not chemicals made in a lab. When I had a grape flavor icy I expected it be real grapes not a chemical like chemicals I learned about in my college chemistry class earlier in 2005. When I ate a store bought cheeseburger as I daydreamed about my future with this single mom I liked in college and much earlier at our summer bbqs I had as a child, I expected the meat and cheese to be fully real, not a nothing but chemical burger. 

This was compounded by the fact that I use to be repulsed by these chemical smells at this factory as a kid that we would pass on our way to the New Jersey bayshore, when I read in Fast Food Nation that that company was IFF and that repulsing smell I smelt as a kid was the smell of food flavoring, coloring etc, that cemented me avoiding any edible foods, drinks, candies etc with artifical flavoring and coloring literally like the plague (I was wary to even eat raviollis and eat my Skittle gum caz of this)   This freaked me out and made me a bit depressed that 2005 summer.

Eventually I went back to eating and drinking foods and drinks (and candies) with artifical flavinrg and coloring in 2008 (and I was slowly getting to that point starting in 2006, I even had my first milkshake in years in early 2007 as I watched celebrities become cops in this reality show of course I didn't drink a lot of said milkshake but it was a start)

Luckily our society has been starting to realize what I did in 2005 and what Fast Food Nation spelled out as artificial flavoring and coloring is becoming less common. We should keep it that way and the brittiist movement would be such a way to bring phasing out to a whole new epic level

So I am a supporter of a hypothetical future movement this is called Brittlism (i.e anti mainstream politics) and as such I support more radical actions in pursuit of health, independence, and purity (especially as a way to fight against woke and unhealthy body positivity like that HAES junk)

This includes me supporting parents working with professionals to make the best decisions for their children, 

This includes me supporting off the grid living and a break up of big pharma to provide this munch of Brittlism. With all my big pharma critiques, at the same time I have questions about alter med and I don’t trust that straight away. But, this view of mine is all dependent on other things and these aren’t each at the exact level.

Much of this Brittlist subculture I support is benign, and just like with the Fourth Political theory/4pt which I support, it promotes anti-modernism or even slower living. 

Here are some ideologies below that I support that align with some aspects of Brittilism :

As an Agorist to build such a society I realize I have to eventually become a tax resistor and the Brittlism movement provides me more flexibility in making that work

In the NT, the Apostle Paul alluded to this theory that Christians replaced the Jews in God's eyes (but some pastors say Jews who follow the laws of the Torah still will go to the afterlife after they die so that part is true regardless)

I believe that everyone has at least a little Jewish ancestry in them if you go back far enough (the garden of Eden was in present day Iraq). There is also a chance that a big chunk of our world is descended from the lost tribes of Israel

I embrace Christendom and my identity as a Christian and others should too if their heart (if it is not hardened) and conscious leads them to that direction. In our day and age with everything becoming an identity , having our identity anchored in faith (like JudeoChristianity, Islam, etc) is a great concept

I support Marxian Dark violet Lib rightism (see here for what it is) which aligns with Brittlism

Other tenants of Brittlism is SHARPISM fused with the ideology of the ANTIFA counterprotester antifascists from the January 6 2021 Stop the Steal rally along with Wide Awakenism mixed with the Redneck revolt faction of the White Panther party

As a lefitst I share more in common with the right wing than I do with the Center and Brittlism aligns with this

I reject the status quo and radical centrism of free-market economics and this too aligns with Brittlism

I support these other tenants of Brittlism:  organic farming, a macrobiotic diet, Naturalistic pantheism fused with pre Christian paganism that influenced early Christianity, clean , healthy water advocacy (but not Anti-fluoridation since that is cringe and foolish due to the fact that fluoride in water is pretty excellent for healthier teeth), and right wing (non conservative, non reactionary, non regressive, non bigoted) feminist midwifery (adjacent to Conservative Feminism). This includes leftist or hippie values that including Woman Power, Radical Feminism and Radbert Culrad Feminism

Brittlism also promotes coalition pacts between industrial syndicate-trade union engaged Left wingers , Bionomically-conservationist-minded arcadians , Disaffected right wingers and  extreme upper centrists (people who are of an ideology similar to a fusion of militant moderatism and radical centrism)

Brittlism is like the 4pt in a way 'beyond the left and right but against the center' or like anti estabilishment (and is against the notion that centrism is the most ideal system)

Brittlism promotes hippie type communes, radical localist okbuddycapitalist type back to the land homesteads, survivalists , anti statists, ecologically centered left wingers

Brittlist is a left libertarian ideology.

I have a lot in common with hipsters beatniks like me being a vegan and me being anti big pharma, but I turn down that label for myself 

As I’ve said elsewhere, there’s no such thing as a left or liberal 2.0 or right wing position in reality. Brittlism also is against the “classical liberal” flip flopping of Dave Rubin.

There’s nothing bad with wanting to eat healthy, natural food and to reject unhealthy, processed junk foods. 

Such healthy living not hurtful to anyone, and that’s not violating the rights of any person

Brittilism is not inherently political. Being an eco terrorist or eco fascist is hurtful ,Britilism is not hurtful

What is exactly an radical thing that subcultures like hippies for example do to seek  health, freedom and purity? Define the term radical. For some, being a vegan is radical, but who is it hurting? Not eating meat is harm reduction.

So there is nothing wrong with people eating organic foods. It may cost more and from the view of scientists, it’s frankly a moneysink to spend the added money on organic produce, yet there’s something to be told about purchasing local and seasonal produce— those are fine things. 

Macrobiotic diets are healthy. As for paganism, there’s so much less knowledge retained of (a few) native European faiths than (a few) native faiths of the Americas. Most pagan things nowadays is for all intents and purposes bastardised and meshed with Christianity.

Embracing Naturalistic pantheism fused with pre Christian paganism that influenced early Christianity is good because it is decolonisation. The Abrahamic religions aren’t indigenous European religions, that’s vital to come to terms with. Such Abrahamic religions contain some elements of Values Dissonance to modern day people's movements

Christianity, Judaism, and Islam have a lot more sexism than paganism. Brittilism says that Europe would have been better off if it embraced Naturalistic pantheism fused with pre Christian paganism that influenced early Christianity instead of vanilla Christianity over a millennia ago

Even some atheists (bless their hearts) have not problem with Naturalistic pantheism fused with pre Christian paganism that influenced early Christianity, as long as Naturalistic pantheism fused with pre Christian paganism that influenced early Christianity is separate from the state

Many Naturalistic pantheists-pre Christian paganism that influenced early Christianity adherents are pro diversity SJWs, lighthearted and carefree and their spaces are inclusive 

Narrowing things down like politics has a tendency to do make things more simple to discuss, but yep it’s true that quite a bit of nuance is left out and I don’t forsee a 1-D line from left to right as a workable model. 

There are political compasses that provide a greater job with this since they don’t only got an x-axis for left/right but additionally have a y axis for authoritarian/libertarian. 

Not every leftist supports the USSR. More than some leftists don’t care for communism at all and some even dislike it. 

So much leftists don’t like authoritarianism. Not every rightoid is authoritarian either. Many rightoids lean libertarian.  And to stress that the US and its “democracy” is center, is inaccurate, definitely so in our time. 

FDR didn’t go as far as he should have with many of his social democratic reforms and we cannot get amnesia about the unsettling things that FDR did to Japanese-Americans . During FDR's reign segregation in the South was still legal 

FDR wasn't the ideal president. Sure he had some base accomplishments and we can use those things for growth. But the Democratic party don’t want to implement any new-New Deal platforms. Where is M4A? Where’s the tuition free college for each and every citizen and permanent resident without regards for income or ethnic background? 

The Establishment Democrats will constantly be like “there’s no cash to make these goals a reality”, but clearly there will always be money for another war and to add more fuel to the military industrial complex. Both the Democratic Party and Republican Party are corrupt parties who are bought by billionaires and corporate interests. The entire apparatus is in need of a shakeup. Both political parties gots to go. We don’t have ourselves a genuine left wing political party in the US

The US and its Southern segregationist history and its eugenic past was the inspiration for the NDSAP

Liberal 2.0ers/Libs will go on about how we must teach history in a truthful way, yet they will commonly ignore bits and pieces of history like this that cause the US to have bad optics 

The US is not in any way different from countries such as Russia in that there’s lots and lots of propaganda in our school system. Let’s be real, history is told from the pov of the winner

If I recall from my social studies and history classes, we didn't talk a heck of a lot on the topic of Native Americans. Many points about colonization were whitewashed and played down

Manifest Destiny was painted as an admirable part of the US's history. In regards to the Cold War, we don’t speak about any of the positives of the Cuba or the USSR.  We aren’t taught  about other economic systems (except capitalism) in the correct sort of way

Myths about socialism and Marxism are planted in history classes. Now if you went to a conservative type of school maybe this is more the case (YMMV)

So many Brits are taught that they were the faces and Ireland were the heels, so it then lends itself to prejudice against the Irish and ignorance of their history. The few ones who do know a whole lot about Ireland are the historians, people who learn a lot about other governments, and those who have Irish families.

The US brand of fascism isn’t anything we haven't seen before. The US has been imperialist for quite some time.  The uS is a colonizer and it portrays itself like the policeman/policewoman of the world. The US exploits other countries. The US drones and blows up other countries. The US initiate wars consistently. The US lifts up extremists. The US has a somewhat massive carbon footprint. These things are things that cannot be dnied

Fascism in the US didn’t start with the Age of Trump, that’s the error that liberal 2.0ers/libs make each and every time. 

Donald Trump was a consequence of many decades of neoliberalism and the working class being abused mistreated and oppressed

Sadly, the “populist” right under Donald Trump are talented at propaganda and they are able to mobilize the working class to shift blame at the rightoids whipping boys/whipping girls. The Democratic party themselves have a terrible vice of falsely blaming the people they shouldn't blame too. 

Just see how much they fault Russia for everything. Why aren’t they discussing the issues that truly matter? 

Why aren’t they zeroed in on policy? At the end of the day people desire to have a fair standard of living: satisfactory income, choice homes, suitable infrastructure, well done schooling , prime healthcare, and so on and so forth .But nope, instead of this, the Democratic party will react to this and make it seem that we leftists are elitists who are not in tune with things while Democrats say classist insults about a large swaths of our country and Republicans will pseudo populist their way to be elected, but then betray their base of voters

What actually is considered radicalism (or even extremism)? In the US if someone is a democratic socialist, they are hit with the fringe label even if they support policies that are very much popular. The political swamp of DC is not the method to pass judgement on the common people. If the US had referendums we would have legalized mushrooms in each state,  universal healthcare with at least some private options, and c $20/hour minimum wage.

Claiming that the far left and the far right are one in the same is a major generalization and is like a meme where you got one side with people who desire racial equality and pro LGBTQ policies and the other end with people in the fraternal order of the Alt Knights gear and in the middle of this you have some people with a poster that reads “compromise”. That is the way someone appears when they claim that the center is the most reasonable.

My hypothesis is that people regardless of where they are on the political spectrum aren’t so different after all and that there is not one group of people who are a monolith. For all of the leftists that is pro nature and residing in an area that’s idyllic and pastoral, you’ll come across leftists who are in the pro cosmopolitan camp, who enjoy vibrant cities. 

Various people have a desire for different types of things in their lives and it’s not healthy to suppose the most bad of people. 

People enjoy stereotyping rural areas as hyper conservative, but you’ll see people with all kinds of political beliefs since guess what… people are individualists! As for bigots radicalizing people,  even though it’s not an excuse one bit,  one theory for fascism and racism swinging people is economic apprehension. 

The white power stuff is a cult and cults enlist people who are most vulnerable. Cults don’t pursue self confident, composed, fruitful, prudent people. 

Nope, they’re pursuing people who are stumbling whether we're talking about melancholy/guilt, ADHD angst, distress, being alone, fiscal problems, familial issues, low confidence — these are typical targets for cults to recruit and radicalize. These people need to belong somewhere, they got to have friends, they strive for acceptance, they seek purpose, they demand answers to timeless ponderings like “what’s is life's meaning ?”. Fascists recruit others who are misfortunate and they present them with “answers”, people to blame, and they open up their community to them. But in what way do we abolish fascism? We abolish it by looking after the material needs of our fellow man/woman. The late stage capitalist system we are in now is not apt for purpose. Capitalism has to be abolished too

When there are formation psychosises en masse, people drop into rabbit holes and it’s difficult to stop themselves from falling too far down said rabbit holes, especially if they are removed from society. Social media suggestions ex-calibrate this and boom that is why people get radicalized 

People could make any policy position appear left, liberal or right wing based on they way someone frames it and reason about it. People may frame what’s perceived as socialist policies as family values policies.

People have to stop labeling policies left , liberal or right wing. The truth is people can make a left, liberal, centrist, or right wing argument for all kinds of policies. I try to comprehend the other side by seeking to find right wing arguments for leftist policies so I am able to win them over to my side

Again, politics is all about framing. With regards to the nonsense about fluoride in water, this is how come education is super important. We should teach critical thinking skills in schools. Everyone ought to know how to research, check their facts, have knowledge about what’s a legit source, ponder biases, and follow the money trail.

It’s also an additional reason why science has to be taught in schools in a hands on and interesting way so people can know the scoop and not be tricked by pseudoscience. 

That’s one reason I am a fan Carl Sagan’s work. He rejected the notion that science shall only be talked about by those people in the ivory tower. Communication is vital. Science is crucial and for so long science communication fell short

In this one example, Carl Sagan made something daunting and pioneering as astronomy accessible to many many people by talking about astronomy in a simple to grasp, responsive, and fun way through his Cosmos book and TV shows. That’s why I don't like when people are deeply pretentious at the times that they discuss political topics and state you gotta read all this theory to actually understand politics and then they speak in this uber insular language that normies don’t understand. It’s alienating! Politics is not in need of being an elitist book club. Let’s get more people caring about politics! We have to show the masses and normies how politics affects them.

"The alt-right pipeline brings up another issue, an issue that is ever so real and scary: the efforts of the white-power freaks and the militaristic rightoids to seek out recruits. Yet another influence shaping what’s happening here is opportunism. White power is erected around its ability to come to terms with where our mainstream culture is weak and exposed, and to use this weakness for its own ends"

Which is the very reason we need universal healthcare, a living wage, improved workers’ rights, low cost housing, and free higher education. Also we need solidarity and community. We have to get the multiracial working class to unite. We have to put an end to all of the corruption in government. Our focus needs to be on the issues, not to scapegoat or blame and squabble Obviously fascists use weakeness to brainwash and coerce the voters, that’s as an undeniable fact

"So if you find any content that leads you down a rabbit hole or pipeline to “trad wives,” for example, women who seem to just be canning and creating their own cleaning products, yet at the same time embrace traditional aesthetics as part of a broader pro white ideology and at once move you along to more and more radical stuff — you’re running into both a fluidity of credence and opportunism."

Well, here's the thing, is it’s more than easy to not be deceived by the dogwhistles and see who is racist. The more perilous thing however is neoliberalism and neoconservatism, two types of ideologies that have birthed the alt-right and Donald Trump. 

Neoliberalism and neoconservatism have become mainstreamed. These two ideologies are also bad. The alt right are literal snakes, yet neoliberals are snakes in the grass. Covert racism is more deplorable than overt racism. The veils slides off with the alt right, the veil though doesn’t slide off as easily with the lamestream neoliberals

"The pro white movement is not only men organizing and protesting. It’s also women too sharing cultural content via social networks. Women, and their cultural content upon which they assert their most pronounced influence, are the place we can observe that this is a civil uprising."

There’s a great deal of conversation out there on the tradfem/tradwife sensational occurance on social media. This is not shocking. We live in the 20th century. Women and men have equal rights and they can do anything a man can do. So it shouldn’t come as this big shock that there are some misguided women who are tradfems/tradwives or even further right wing than that and become pro white

Not every vegan or environmentalist is a would be fascist . People got to look into what fascism means. We can live healthy lives and promote being stewards of nature while being vigilant about bigotry in our spaces

Britilism also includes this line of thought: 

No person likes to be bombarded with info they didn’t call for. You need to be educating yourself, and conducting yourself in a specific manner, and the normies will come to you.

Carry yourself in a way that shows “I am not the type of person to subscribe to the false reality”. People can pick that up from you. When asked your opinion on an issue, state it proudly. But don’t jump through hoops to tell people about the views you are trying to nudge them to support. The intrigued ones, they will sense that you are peculiar and don’t conduct yourself like the other brainwashed lemmings, and they will come your way

These intrigued normies, who have begun to pay attention to the narrative being broadcast to them is b.s they will ask you things like “like what do you believe about this?”, Or “did you catch that?”, seeking to get you to reply, for an alternative pov to what they receive from the MSM echo chamber they subscribe to


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