
Showing posts from May, 2023

Eco peko liblsm

Fiscal neotericism Soft eurosceptic, Austria like National Liberalism,  The Blue Party (Germany) type National Liberalism  (including center right type like leaving the Eurozone and returning to the D-Mark, stopping bailouts to economically weak EU member states and mildly conservative stances on social issues).  Support Swiss-style referendums and public consultations . Liberal Conservative Reform (sometimes also known as Alliance for Progress and Renewal) , conservative-liberal. It supports economic liberalism Oppurtunist on refugee criss, anti Big Pharma Authoritarianist Kirchnerism  fused with modern Republican party economic progressivism (populist and moral ecologism variety)

Bear def

 carry the weight of; support.

Get around guide

Mil industrial complex   home & abroad I-P LGBTQ stuff Political layout Race Ethnicity views Women's issues Ntertainment After you click on and finish reading each link below and the links within those links, return to this navigation page to click onto your next link or open each link below and links within them in new tabs.  If you see blue text (like  here  or below), it means there is a hyperlink in that text so you should click it views I put in italics and put in between   and  ⸮ are irony/post irony views of mine views I put in italics and have a /s after them are me being sarcastic  views I put in cormorant upright  and that I put in between   and  ⸮ and  a /s after them  are irony/post irony views of mine plus me being sarcastic  When I use the term 'base' or 'based' here is what I mean: The word base means: “Good", "A word used when you agree with something; or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves, i.e. courageous and uniqu